We understand there is a ton of content out there and we are SO thankful you have chosen to read our newsletters and blogs! You’ve also asked us for a list of what other newsletters we read on a regular basis so we are providing that list to you below! Even if you choose to subscribe to some of our recommendations, we hope that you will continue to be a faithful reader of our content! 🙂
As I (Chrissie) am more active in this area than Jo (and she’s more of a podcast gal than I am – see our list of podcasts here), the list below is what I subscribe to. My inbox can be overwhelming with work and personal emails, product emails and more, so I only subscribe to newsletters that are of interest/meaning to me and I unsubscribe from others that don’t speak to me or bring me knowledge or joy.
Ok, once I made this list I have to admit that I was a bit shocked (horrified?) by how many were on the list!!!! Yikes – 25! Please know that I don’t read all of these every day/week as I’d never get to anything else! I look through at least a couple of the news options in the morning (there is a lot of crossover on top stories) and then see how my day is going (waiting in line…on hold for a call…whenever!) to glance at others as they interest me.
I’ve broken them out by general category. Some are daily, some weekly, some intermittent. I also get some emails on other topics that I’m choosing not to list here (local topics, photography, politics). Enjoy! And, if you have newsletters you love, please share with us!
- NY Times Daily Email. In my inbox every morning with top stories. As a subscriber, you are provided a wide range of targeted topic newsletters from which to sign up, such as California Today, What to Watch, an evening news round-up, and lots lots more. They are good ones!
- CNN’s 5 Things – The name sort of says it all! In your inbox every morning with the 5 top things to know about the day ahead in terms of what’s going on in the world.
- Katie Couric’s Wake-Up Call – Daily email with top news stories, as well as entertainment/health/lifestyle/shopping/entertainment stories and recs.
- The Newsette – A younger-skewing daily news summary that aims to empower and engage women.
- The Skimm– The email that launched the ‘summary morning news email’ biz. Top news as well as money/wellness/shopping/women’s pieces.
- The Broadsheet – I read to keep current on women in business. From Fortune Magazine. ‘Every weekday, senior writer Emma Hinchliffe covers the trends and issues impacting women in and out of the workplace and the female executives and founders transforming and diversifying the future of business.’
- Pitchbook News – The Daily Pitch – Venture Capital/Private Equity/M&A focused daily email.
- Style by Emily. I read interior designer Emily Henderson’s blog every morning. Interior design with fashion/lifestyle thrown in from time to time.
- Cassandra – Daily email that has a theme each day which aims to keep the reader up to date on youth trends. A way to keep up on what the younger generation is up to and into.
- AfterSchool by Casey Lewis – a Substack newsletter where you have to pay to get all the content but can get an overview in the free version. It offers ‘daily links ‘n things about youth culture and Gen Z consumer trends’, thus skewing younger but it’s another one I like to read to keep up on what’s going on with the younger generations. Got to keep up to date however we can!
- Architectural Digest – The newsletter highlights about 4 home tours/articles/projects from the site.
- Earl Earl by Laurel Pantin – a Substack newsletter that offers ‘shopping picks and messages from a stylist and creative consultant’. Paid version or smaller free version.
- The Punch List by Bradley Agather – Lifestyle/fashion quick read by a creative consultant/stylist.
- The Stripe via Grace Atwood – Lifestyle/fashion/books blog and newsletter with Southern lean.
- Jen Shoop Magpie – Lifestyle/fashion blogger email – sign up at bottom of her homepage.
- Going (used to be Scott’s Cheap Flights) – Keeps you posted on flight deals from your airport of choice, and has feature emails on specific locations of interest. You can pay for additional benefits.
- Conde Nast Traveler – Links to a variety of articles from their site. There are 5 ‘newsletter product’ options from which to choose – I get the Daily Traveler.
- Travel & Leisure – Travel reviews, news, guides and tips. 6 newsletter options from which to choose.
- The Flight Deal – Daily links to a variety of good flight deals.
- Fathom – Travel inspiration newsletter.
- Thrillist – 3 newsletter options from which to choose about adventures/dining/activities (one of which is customized to your area).
- Goodreads – As a Goodreads member I get periodic emails about new books that are out, things to look forward to etc.
- Tertulia – Recommended reads.