What is an ‘Everything Shower’? Chrissie Takes One to Find Out!

Have you heard of the Everything Shower? It’s when you turn your home into a day spa and indulge in a super long ‘deep clean’ shower session that includes a full pre-shower, shower, and post-shower regime. It’s a self-care thing.

(Note: Don’t be intimidated – it looks overwhelming but it’s really not. You make it be as much or as little as you want it to be, and you feel great at the end!)

After seeing people post and write about their experiences I decided I was up for the challenge. I researched what various ‘experts’ (ha!) include in their ‘routines’, and took time one Sunday evening to take my first Everything Shower, based only on the products I had on hand. It’s amazing what you find when you open up those vanity drawers!

The Everything Shower can be a commitment. Some articles put it at 1-4 HOURS (!), but I got through this full routine in about 45 minutes. I’m honestly not sure HOW it could take multiple hours unless you are sitting with a face mask or hair mask on for an hour or something?

There are so many steps I had to plan it all out! But it was a good opportunity to use some of the products I had and don’t use very often because they take so much time. On an average day who has time to pre-treat their hair with two separate products for 10 minutes each before you shower…and then let a conditioner stay on for another 10 minutes after that?!

Planning an Everything Shower is a good way to slow down and ‘schedule’ some self-care for an hour or so, and use those products you already have sitting on your shelf waiting for you! And you do feel pretty great afterwards!

Here’s my general timeline, followed by full details:

0:00 – 0:10: 10 minutes (pre-shower)

  • Set the mood
  • Hair Step 1 (leave on 10 minutes)
  • First Face Cleanse
  • Teeth/Nails

0:10 – 0:20: Next 10 minutes (pre-shower)

  • Keep Hair Step 1 on hair and apply Hair Step 2 (leave on 10 minutes)
  • Face Mask Exfoliator (leave on 10 minutes)
  • Dry Brush
  • Eyebrows

0:20 – 0:35: Next 15 minutes (in shower)

  • Rinse off face Exfoliator
  • Rinse off hair products
  • Shampoo & Conditioner – leave conditioner on for 10 minutes
  • Body Scrub
  • Shave
  • Wash Face
  • Rinse off Conditioner and put on Deep Conditioner and rinse off
  • Sugar Scrub
  • Hanni Bath Salve

0:35 – 0:45: Final 10 minutes (post-shower)

  • Body Oil
  • Apply Leave-In Hair Conditioner
  • Gua Sha
  • Nighttime Face Care Routine

So here we go!


Set the Mood:

‘Everyone’ says to set the mood with music. I needed to finish my audio book before it got turned back in to Libby (the library app) so I listened to my book instead.

Hair Step 1:

I have a few of the Olaplex ‘system’ products on hand so decided to use them as they have a lot of ‘wait ten minutes with it on your hair’ steps which was perfect for this exercise. I started with their Step 0 – Intensive Bond Building Hair Treatment, which is a pre-shampoo treatment (actually a pre-hair protector treatment which is a pre-shampoo treatment!)  that you leave in for 10 minutes.

First Face Cleanse:

Apparently there are multiple face cleanses in this process! The first is washing your face with an oil-based cleanser. I love my Korean face oil Primera Cleansing Oil that has hyaluronic acid in it and leaves skin super soft.  Second face cleanse is in the shower.


I still had some time in my ’10 minute’ hair product, so I brushed my teeth and flossed (with Cocofloss!) and cut my nails (these Japanese clippers are such ‘better basics’)!

Hair Step 2:

Apply Oleplex No 3 Hair Protector, which goes on directly over the product that’s already on my hair. This one also stays on for 10 minutes.

Face Mask/Exfoliator: 

The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution is a pretty strong exfoliator (your face can be a bit red afterward), and it works really well (and it’s budget-friendly at under $10). It stays on for 10 minutes so I put it on at the same time as Hair Step 2. I also like the Goop Glow Microderm Instant Glow Exfoliator but I was out of it so went with the Ordinary, which I also like.

Dry Brush:

Next step is a ten-minute dry brush of my skin. This uses a brush to get off all the old skin cells before you shower, improves circulation, and helps with lymphatic drainage. Just take the brush, scrub all over, and watch the dead skin cells fly. Weirdly satisfying.


Still had some time left on my 10 minute timer so attended to eyebrow maintenance and listened to my book.


First, rinse off the face exfoliator, followed by the hair treatment. 


I started the shower routine with the hair items first so I could leave the deep conditioner on while I did the body stuff.

I keep a few hair options in the shower and rotate depending on my mood:

  • Olaplex Shampoo and Conditioner. Since I used the Olaplex pre-treatment items, I continued with their products.

But I also like/use:

  • Roz Shampoo and Conditioner. I love this cult favorite brand (the Air Thickening Spray is my favorite for blow or air drying hair – see below).
  • Mielle Organics Mint and Rosemary Shampoo and Conditioner. This brand has biotin and rosemary in it and is said to improve hair growth and strength. I also like their hair oil which you put in and scrub into your scalp for an hour or so (while watching tv) to stimulate hair strength/growth. I didn’t include that in this routine as I only had so much time…but I could have done that at the very start for an hour!

Now it’s time to move on to the body. 

Scrubber Cloth:

I use liquid soap and LOVE these Japanese scrub clothes. I used to be a loofa person, but these scrubbers are great. They are long and thin so you can also easily wash the entirety of your back. And they are made of a ‘scrubby’ material that lathers up well, and while it doesn’t scratch you too hard, you definitely feel like you are taking off all the dirt and dead skin cells. Don’t use this on your face.

Body Cleanser:

There are so many options out there! This is a ‘fancy’ one I like. And otherwise my ‘everyday’ option is often Native.


If you shave, this is where that fits in. I have not used these particular Hanni products (but I love other Hanni items), but people swear by the Hanni Weighted Razor and Hanni Body Serum Cleanser Bar to use in the shower for shaving, as well as for general cleaning, as the cleanser bar is supposed to be super moisturizing.

And then on to the face:

Face Cleanser:

This Cetaphil is an easy one for shower use that you only need one hand to pump which is handy. But the one for a ‘spa day’ like an Everything Shower is my Elemis Cleansing Balm. It leaves skin feeling so soft and it smells so good!

Short Pause:

The Olaplex Conditioner needs to stay on for 10 minutes, and I still had some time left.  So I turned the water off for a bit because this is California and running a shower for 10 minutes is just not ok.

Back In:

Rinse off the hair conditioner.

Deep Conditioner:

It may not be fancy, but I love the deep conditioner from Trader Joes! Leave it on for even just a short time and your hair is really soft.

Final Steps:

Apply Trader Joe’s Sugar Scrub. It is a sugar scrub that’s packed in a rich oil. After you scrub it on your body and rinse it off you are left with a soft, moisturizing feeling all over.

I love the Hanni Bath Splash Salve. You rub a bit over your skin and then do a quick rinse off and the product stays on as a moisturizer that lasts through the day and has a terrific, subtle scent. In reality I’d only do the Sugar Scrub OR the Splash Salve probably…but since it was an Everything Shower I did both!

Post Shower:

Towel Off:

I love a big bath sheet, and the Turkish Quick Dry Bath Sheets from Quince are a great size and not too heavy given the size. I also love my extra long ‘double wide’ bath mats that can span across a two-sink vanity.

Body Oil:

Now that you are all scrubbed and clean, but still a bit damp, it’s time to lock in some moisture!

I’ve written a blog on body oils where I explain why I like them and which I use. But my top four I use/rotate are the Osea, the Everything Oil, the Reed & Gwen and the Hanni brands as they all smell and feel great. Put them on while still damp.

Leave in Conditioner:

I don’t use a leave-in conditioner, but apparently if you do, now is the time in the routine to apply it for the night. My sister loves the Ouai leave-in conditioner, plus all of Ouai’s products smell so good!

Gua Sha:

Time to pull out my Gua Sha stone and balm! I do a general 5 minutes of it on my arms, face and legs. But you can really focus on one area and learn about which ‘strokes’ will relax/help/energize you and then concentrate on a specific area/concern..

Gua Sha is an ancient Chinese technique known to help improve circulation, de-puff, tone, and smooth fascia, while releasing tension and promoting relaxation. It consists of slow and deliberate motions with the Gua Sha stone (lubricated with an oil or lotion) in a specific direction across your skin (see how-to guide below). You can target specific areas for particular issues as well, such as headaches etc. It’s SUPER relaxing as well as invigorating. This technique has been around for thousands of years for a reason!

The company Yina, which focuses on wellness rituals based on traditional chinese medicine, has a beautiful Gua Sha stone as well as a Gua Sha set that includes a stone, an oil and a balm to use during treatment. The set includes my all-time favorite face oil. The oil or lotion you use will get your skin even more hydrated. Gua Sha ‘how to’ guide.


After taking care of the hair and body, it’s time to get on some comfy pjs! I love my PrintFresh set (such fun patterns and great crisp cotton), and also got for Xmas this this soft, comfy lounge/sleep set from Lake which I am loving (wear it to bed or dress it up to wear on an airplane!). Choices!

Face Nighttime Routine:

Since I did my ‘everything shower’ at night, the final step was to put on evening skin care items, or treatments.

LED face mask: I don’t have one of these LED masks, but wanted to include it as many people swear by them to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and skin tone! I’m curious to try.

Serum: I put InnBeauty Elastic Skin on at night (as well as in the morning).

Retinol: I have a prescription for Tretinoin (a more powerful version of Retinol) from my dermatologist, but if you are starting out in the land of retinol, InnBeauty has a 1% option.

Face Moisturizer: Continue to swear by my InnBeauty Extreme Cream. Love it!

Face Oil: For extra hydration a few drops of face oil either mixed in with the Extreme Cream or dabbed on afterwards. My two favorites are my Yina face oil and my Living Libations oil.

Lavender Oil: As a little extra bonus, this lavender roll-on is very budget friendly and smells great and relaxing! I put it on my wrists so I can smell it as I fall asleep.

Total elapsed time: About 45 minutes

WHEW! I’m exhausted but feel terrific – fully scrubbed, buffed, cleaned, and hydrated – and I’m relaxed and ready for a book and bed! In the morning my skin felt so much softer than usual and my hair felt great. I must admit, I could get used to this routine once in a while!


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